The meaning of union meals for workers

The meal is an opportunity for the Board of Directors and Trade Union of Garment 10 Corporation to express their concern, gratitude, and thanks for the efforts and contributions of workers in the production and business process of the enterprise. This is a practical activity that demonstrates the spirit of solidarity and attachment between the Board of Directors, the Trade Union and employees, contributing to building a friendly and warm working environment.

“Trade Union Meal” not only adds many delicious dishes and nutritional supplements to improve meal quality but also creates motivation and excitement for all employees to continue their efforts to complete their tasks well.

Garment 10 Corporation’s trade union has made a detailed plan, coordinated with the administrative department, the Corporation’s kitchen and assigned tasks to union officials, with the aim of preparing a decent meal including the following dishes: chicken Steamed meat, fried meat, mixed stir-fried vegetables, pumpkin soup with bones, fruit dessert.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Dao – President of TCT Trade Union said: “In the series of activities organized in Workers’ Month 2024, from culture and arts, sports, volleyball tournaments, wall newspaper competitions, production emulation May and June, programs to care for workers… Today, Garment 10 Corporation’s Trade Union organized a Union Meal for workers. The union worked with the Administrative Department and the cafeteria department to create the most reasonable and nutritious menu to serve workers with a fresh meal. We hope that this union meal brings some warmth to workers during Workers’ Month.”

With a sense of responsibility and dedication, the restaurant sisters, not afraid of hard work, came from dawn to prepare and cook dishes; Trade union officials accompany the restaurant ladies to serve meals, deliver food plates to each table and join the workers in enjoying them, thereby creating a friendly, close atmosphere, listening to sharing, the situation, the thoughts and aspirations of the employees so that the Union can promptly grasp and continue to organize more truly meaningful activities for the employees.

Mr. Vuong Huu Tan – New employee of the Fashion Design Department shared: “I find the meals here very delicious and strengthens the solidarity of employees in the company. I hope that this year and the following years, the Union will organize more delicious meals like this to bond the feelings between everyone.


Ý nghĩa bữa cơm công đoàn dành cho người lao động

Workers at Garment 10 Hanoi headquarters had a delicious meal and lots of laughter thanks to the careful preparation of the Corporation’s Trade Union Executive Committee, along with the cordial wishes of representatives of the Corporation’s Board of Directors. This is also an opportunity for people to exchange, share, and bond emotionally, thereby improving working spirit.

Mr. Nguyen Van Dat – Machine repair employee, Shirt Factory shared: “Today’s meal was very delicious, the TCT Trade Union paid attention and took care of the workers. I feel very happy.”

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hang – Veston Hanoi Factory expressed: “We are very touched because the concern of the leaders of the Corporation and the Trade Union of the Corporation has made us warmer and feel happier, more enthusiastic, and also like being motivated at work, thereby ensuring productivity for production and business activities, as well as participating more enthusiastically in the Corporation’s activities. I am very grateful to the Board of Directors and the Corporation’s Trade Union for taking very practical actions to care for employees, helping us feel secure, focus on production and have a long-term relationship with the Corporation.”

In May, units under TCT Garment 10 also organized trade union meals for workers: Hung Ha Veston Factory, 888 Company Limited, Thai Ha Factory, Dong Hung Factory, Hung Ha Factory, Vi Hoang Factory ,

TCT Garment 10’s Trade Union is increasingly innovating in its operating programs, demonstrating well the role and responsibility of the Trade Union in taking care of the material and spiritual life of workers. From there, it also contributes to strengthening the trust of union members and workers in the trade union organization and actively participating in trade union activities.

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